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Magazine creation tips: writing an editorial

Willem Van Den Brandeler

Last updated on 24/08/2019

The cover is often what leads people to pick up and open a magazine. The editorial however determines whether they will keep on reading.

  • It’s the first article in your magazine. The editorial plays an introductory role and should make the readers want to read the articles. It often contains a photos of the editors and rarely exceeds a page. The editorial can be written to accuse, praise, explain something or to persuade an audience depending on the context.
  • For the editor-in-chief it’s the occasion to voice opinions and give the magazine’s stand on issues discussed in the articles. Editorials are meant to be written by senior editorial staff, so others can contribute too and add to the magazine’s human aspect.

Editorials are:

  1. composed of an introduction, body and conclusion
  2. objective in explaining the problems addressed in the articles
  3. relevant in time. People are looking to find out more about current issues around the magazine’s theme
  4. written in a professional way. The opinions must be delivered in a open and blunt manner.
  5. constructive and offer different point of views. It should encourage critical thinking not rely on baseless statements.
  6. a summary of the author’s opinion. They are to the point and provocative at the same time.

Here’s an example where we pointed out a few of the composing elements:

example of editorial

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